Last Updated on August 15, 2022 by Rachel Will the rental car company find out if you get a speeding ticket in a rental car? Probably not. But while you probably won’t see an additional fee from the rental car company, it’s in your interest to pay the fine quickly. Otherwise, you could end up with stiffer fines and, eventually, a suspended or revoked driver’s license. Speeding Tickets & Moving Violations in a Rental Car While authorities can trace parking tickets back to the car, speeding and other types of moving violations are not. A moving violation is tied to you, the driver, and your driver’s license. You are responsible for your actions, regardless of whether you are driving your own car, a friend’s car, or a rental car. Ask AutoSlash for a Quote on a Cheap Car Rental If you get pulled over by a police officer who issues a ticket, you should handle it quickly on your own. Typically, the best thing to do is simply pay the ticket. Somewhere on the ticket there ...
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